Heinich Georg Elsigan Company
Compangy legal data overview
Company Name | Heinrich Georg Elsigan |
Postal Address | Theresianumgasse 6/28 |
Year of Founding | 1992 |
Number of employees | 1 |
Legal Form | Sole "little" entrepreneur [One Person Company] |
General Terms of Service & Business (in german) | https://area23-at.blogspot.com/2021/09/heinrich-elsigan-agb.html |
Heinrich Georg Elsigan address: Theresianumgasse 6/28, 1040 Wien phone: +43 650 7527928 mobile: +43 670 4068983 emails: heinrich.elsigan@gmail.com heinrich.elsigan@live.at www: area23.at weblog: area23-at.blogspot.com wko: Heinrich Elsigan|firmen.wko.at
Duty to inform & disclosure according to media law
Further info
By default, you can find my current CV at Google Docs.
You will find all relevant references, certificates and course confirmations for Heinrich Elsigan here.
Reporting Problems
Please use the github.com tool to report bugs in github.com/heinrichelsigan open gnu (or private shared) software repositories.
Please report bugs specific to repositories and codig languages (c#, java, c, c++, html) or development platforms, e.g. Visual Studio; (please also mentione the build enviroment like GNU-make or Gradle and the compliler and meta-compliler like Roslin.
It works!
This is the default welcome page for Heinrich Elsigan Company in Austria.